杨垠晖,讲师,浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室 博士,同年7月加入16877太阳集团安全入口。主要研究方向:机器视觉,机器学习,计算机图形学。
Xiangshu Xi; Kai Xia; Yinhui Yang; Xiaochen Du; Hailin Feng ; Evaluation of dimensionality reduction methods for individual tree crown delineation using instance segmentation network and UAV multispectral imagery in urban forest, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 191: 106506.
冯海林;胡明越;杨垠晖;夏凯;基于树木整体图像和集成迁移学习的树种识别,农业机械学报, 2019, 50(08): 235-279.
M. Hu, H. Fen,Y. Yang, K. Xia and L. Ren, "Tree Species Identification Based on the Fusion of Multiple Deep Learning Models Transfer Learning," 2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Xi'an, China, 2018, pp. 2135-2140.
杨垠晖;王锐*;树木的真实感建模与绘制综述,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2018, 30(2): 191 -216.
Yinhui Yang;Rui Wang*; Hongxin Zhang; Hujun Bao; ExploreTree: Interactive tree modeling in semantic trait space with online intent learning,Graphical Models, 91(2017): 39-51.
Rui Wang;Yinhui Yang; Hongxin Zhang*; Hujun Bao; Variational Tree Synthesis,Computer Graphics Forum, 2014, 33(8): 82-94.